Friday, January 28, 2011

Electrons Surge Past Ink Dots In Rain Forest Sales

Okay when I try and describe an e-book I guess it's a whole bunch of electrons right? And a traditional book has lots of ink dots on pages. So electrons have just taken the lead over ink dots according to a company apparently based deep in rain forest jungles of Brazil,

I have stolen the content below from my own blog because it has to do with words and publishing. But e-books is pretty geeky so here it is on also.

The digital revolution in publishing has hit a major milestone with announcing that the sales of their Kindle e-books have outpaced sales of paperback books so far in 2011 for the first time.

Sales of the Kindle e-books have also been three times greater than hardback sales. All these figures do not include any free e-book downloads. Here is an article that highlights this achievement.

The surge in digital sales is predicted to fundamentally change the book publishing industry, especially the traditional brick and mortar bookstores.
At the recently held Digital Book World conference, James McQuivey of Forrester Research presented some research findings before a CEO panel on Tuesday. He included the estimate that consumers spent about $1 billion on e-books in 2010 and that sales should reach at least $1.3 billion in 2011. McQuivey said that the consensus among those surveyed was that e-books would constitute half of all trade book units by 2014, and 53 percent said they expected print sales to decrease this year.
I do not yet have an actual Kindle, but as I have blogged before I have had both an iPhone and now a PC Kindle app and love it. I have purchased more e-books in the last two months than physical books.

Is this a sign of things to come? Let me know if you have jumped on the digital e-book revolution yet and where you think we are headed.

Written by Dan Davidson, from his blog

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Geeky Mad Scientist Creates iPhone App Overnight - Muuuuuaaahh!!!

I love to find things that I can create overnight. I feel like a geeky mad scientist - pause for countdown to maniacal, diabolical evil laugh .... 3, 2, 1 Muuuuuaaahhhhhh!!!!

Last night I created an iPhone app overnight instantly! How cool is that? It started with a dare to myself at midnight. Because I am a "Dare Geek", I dared myself to find a way to create a sample app pronto!

After some googling and gurgling (actually I didn't really care about the freshness of my breath at midnight and I didn't really gurgle - it just sounds really fun after the word "googling") I found a review at Mashable of a cool new site called iSites.

Here is the rocking review so you can mash the concept in and around your brain synapses.

You basically load RSS feeds plus other social media streams from sites like Blogger, Wordpress, Tumblr, Twitter, YouTube, Flickr, Smug Mug, Picassa, etc and can create a pretty cool app very quickly online. You can also do a "quick post" and create additional content on the fly with images and links to media files. Customizing category folders, logos, icons, splash page etc is a snap.

They call it an "Instant App" because it works through Safari browser for the first time set up for the iPhone. It has the feel of a real iPhone app but works through their geeky interface - kinda like the Wizard of OZ - I really don't need to know what's behind the curtain - I was up way past my bedtime already and I put trust in their software engine.

I was able to set up a test account for free with a 30 day trial - I like Free Trials! I can pay only $25.00 a month to keep the Instant App functional which is a great price. For just $49.00 a month I can submit a "native iPhone app" to Apple and have a complete iPhone app which is the real deal!

The iSites website is very user friendly and I can update the content and categories in real time. Oh and for the same price you will be able to publish a similar Android app starting in February!

I created my Instant App for a client of ours - The Vitality Depot. We do their social media marketing and I wanted to surprise them with an affordable iPhone app.

Here are the instructions to install the app from the Safari browser on your iPhone, iPod touch or iPad - you can test it for yourself -

Link to download:

Instructions to install

  1. When you click the link, the app will open in your Safari browser.

  2. Follow the instructions on the browser screen and click “+” sign to add the app to your home screen

  3. This will create an app icon on the your iPhone home screen.

How fun was that? I can't wait until the clock strikes midnight again. What will the Dare Geek dare himself to do tonight? Muuuuuuaaaahhhh!!!

Written by Dan Davidson, Super Niche Blogger at

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

USB 3 Is Ready To Rock The World

The infamous USB 2 port is ubiquitous now (that means it's everywhere!!). But the USB 3 format is ready to roll out and become a new standard in the near future.

I was really jazzed when I read about it in a recent article at CNET Here is an exerpt that highlights the main advantages of the new USB 3 technology:

USB 3's sales pitch is seemingly a slam dunk: its 5-gigabit-per-second data-transfer rate is 10 times faster than USB 2's, it cuts power consumption by a third, and it can be used to send 80 percent more electrical current so that phones or other devices can charge faster over USB.
Is that cool or what? Everything is going faster - our digital lives are speeding up!

So be ready to adopt the new USB 3 format into your life - coming to a geek device near you soon!

Written by Dan Davidson, Super Niche Blogger at Is Born!

I have always been a techy, gadgety and geeky guy. I guess alot of guys are.

Geek used to have somewhat of a negative connotation, but now geeks are cool. Best Buy even has the "Geek Squad."

My dad was always the first to have the newest gadget when I grew up in the '70's. He bought one of the first Texas Instruments calculators - simple four functions for about $120.00 - WOW! My dad and uncle Bill also were into ham and shortwave radios.

I guess I picked up a lot from my dad and love gadgety geeky stuff today more than ever. What an awesome time to be alive!

My brother Dave and I also have this "Dare" gene in us that propels us to "Think WOW." We love to dare ourselves and others to maximize technology to help us all follow our dreams and live life abundantly!

Welcome to - I Dare You To Get Geeky!

Written by Dan Davidson, Super Niche Blogger at